HMA University – Testimonials
Out of the 6, I have 4 wanting the workshop, at $495 each
—–Original Message—–
From: Rick
To: Michael Senoff
Subject: An update on my HMA progress.
Hello Michael,
Last Tuesday I did my first 2 hour (will actually 2.5) preview workshops for the local (I am a member) business association. This is a very small group of fewer then 16 members.
Here are the steps I’ve taken so far:
December 24
Mentioned to the groups president I would like to do a free workshop for members and $49 for non members on a non-regular meeting night. He thought it was a great idea.
Reserved the meeting room at the local library for Tues Jan 11 6 to 8:30pm
December 26
I modeled the Paul Flood flier in the system and included it in the monthly newsletter. (no cost to me) I’m also the editor of the newsletter.
December 30
It was mentioned at the meeting to sign up – got 2 sign-ups on the spot.
Sent a press release to the area newspaper, (my specialty) and listed workshop on Facebook “meetings” (all free) got $300 worth of space in the paper.
Did workshop on the 11th, had 6 people attend.
Easily went through the system as outlined by Richard in the PP presentation, (I used over head projector for this) and closed with a Q&A form to (help me) with questions like, would you be interested in further detailed group coaching help? What would that be worth to you (with price points) how they would like that delivered, phone, meetings, all in one day, several weeks etc.
Out of the 6, I have 4 wanting the workshop, at 495 each I also have one wanting some one on one consulting and one of these also has a web hosting business and wants to talk (at my suggestion) about introducing me to his list of 10,000 for a workshop.
So all in all I think things are going well. I tried putting this system together a couple years ago, and just did not get the results with the consulting, I simply didn’t have the full system and now that I do, it has fallen in place easily. I’m not much interested in one-on-one consulting, but love the coaching and speaking assets this presents.
I’m looking at doing the weekly meetings from 7am to 9am for 4 weeks on Saturdays, covering 2 steps a week. These will begin in February, with the 4 and maybe more. (this was all based on asking the questions on the survey form from the preview workshop).
Questions or problems, 24 Hour help when you need it. Don’t hesitate to text or call 858-692-9461 or contact us.
This client has been worth well over five-figures in income already, and long-term it promises to be a six-figure arrangement
—–Original Message—–
From: Rick
To: Michael Senoff
I met a small business owner in a Mastermind group that I was a member of. Initially, she hired me for my “Done For You” newsletter service. After that relationship was established, I started talking with her about the HMA system and how it could help her business. She is in a “commodity” business (credit card processing/merchant services). First we established her USP. Then we integrated it into her business (first two pillars).
Since then, we have gone even further into marketing her business: websites, squeeze pages, FREE Lead Generation Reports, multi-step direct mail campaigns (including advertorials, postcards, 24/7 voice mail hotlines), teleseminars, creating compelling offers and guarantees that make her stand apart from her competition. We are also exploring joint venture opportunities.
Next we plan to branch out into a new, somewhat related business where we are going to be helping restaurants explode their sales and profits.
This relationship has been mutually beneficial. In fact, this client has me on retainer and the arrangement has made it possible for me to work with only a select handful of clients!
Though I’m not at liberty to divulge exact figures, I can say that this client has been worth well over five-figures in income already, and long-term it promises to be a six-figure arrangement.
And it’s all because of the HMA system. Using it to establish a USP and then integrate it into the rest of the business led to additional project work, retainer and ultimately a partnership with the client that will be quite lucrative for us both. Just this one client has more than paid for my entire investment in the HMA system!
Questions or problems, 24 Hour help when you need it. Don’t hesitate to text or call 858-692-9461 or contact us.