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$90,000 In Consulting Contracts In One Day . . .
This HMA Marketing Consultant already had a business-coaching practice when she signed on as an HMA Consultant, but when she combined the two — she couldn’t believe she sold over $90,000 in just one day.
And in this audio interview, you’ll hear how she did it.
In This Interview You’ll Learn:
- How she made the initial contact.
- What she sent in the mail that instantly establishes her credibility.
- What to say on the phone after they got the “special package”.
- Hear how she found her clients (or rather, how they found her).
- What she said to close these two deals.
- How she set client expectations before she started.
- The terms of her consulting contracts.
- Why you should never charges for an opportunity analysis.
- Exactly what to say and do during yours.
- The simple phrase she uses when a prospect says they don’t think they can afford her $50,000-a-year fees – that seals the deal.
- A closing tactic she used to get a nonrefundable deposit the same day.
- Why you should never talk about the hours you are going to spend on each step and what you say instead.
- A word-for-word script you can use to show prospects why they need to schedule an Opportunity Analysis/Strategy Session.
- The payment structure that works.
- Why it’s so important to make sure your action plan and goals are clearly defined and the most advantageous time to explain it all.
This new HMA Star has a team of people working her coaching business so she can focus on being the expert, getting clients, and making money.
It’s a business model that seems to go hand-in-hand with the HMA System, and in this audio, you’ll hear all about it.
Questions or problems, 24 Hour help when you need it. Don’t hesitate to text or call 858-692-9461 or contact us.