HMA University - Testimonials
Here at the doorstep of HMA, I’m getting that uncanny feeling that I’ve come to the right place
—–Original Message—–
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 6:22 PM
From: Richard
To: Michael Senoff
Subject: Re: HMA
Dear Michael,
I got my start seriously looking at marketing concepts through the HMA University System. Before then, I was skeptical of marketing professionals because in my line of work (a database, reporting and technology specialist/programmer) I found myself struggling over endless open-ended projects in larger companies implementing technical projects for our marketing people. We were either slaving over mass emails from our database of contacts, mining for trends amidst an ocean of seemingly nonsensical data, counting pixels on customer facing websites or building nearly impossible database queries to measure foreign sounding concepts such as: prospects, conversions, cross-selling events and sales. This was over a decade ago when technology tools had to built from the ground up with limited staff and even more limited tools.
I guess you can say that I was an inadvertent marketer for many years prior to joining the HMA University, but it was never imaginable to me that anything less than an army of marketing specialists and trained technology geeks could manage marketing to help grow and improve a business. I was also was always just a “piece” of the bigger marketing strategy so I hated my task of “doing as I was told” but never knowing where the entire effort was going. I had no idea that there would quickly come a time where small to mid-size businesses would also clamor to demand results much in the same way that “the big boys” have enjoyed since the days of the dot-com boom.
I have enjoyed looking at all of Richard’s training information and listening to all the case studies to help boost my confidence at trying my hand at all of this. I am pleased to see that buzzwords and concepts are falling into place and completing the picture that first painted my career landscape more than ten years ago… and that technology has improved but not changed the conditions of the “hidden marketing assets” concepts… the HMA system makes sense to me after years in the technical trenches trying to understand exactly what my marketing cohorts were trying to accomplish.
These days, my interest in the technical side hasn’t diminished too much, but I have also enjoyed a surge in passion for the elements that actually IMPLEMENT the concepts that add real impact and value to a company or business’s bottom line.
Here at the doorstep of HMA, I am getting that uncanny feeling that I’ve come to the right place.
Regards, Richard P. Hawaii.
Questions or problems, 24 Hour help when you need it. Don’t hesitate to text or call 858-692-9461 or contact us.
I expect to earn more money this year as a result of your program than I have in 4 or 5 years
—–Original Message—–
From: Richard
To: Michael Senoff
Michael, it is going very well.
I told you I needed something to energize myself and it is working.
I closed my first real deal on a referral from an accountant yesterday.
I have two appointments next week: One with an existing client (your suggestion) and another referral from a different accountant.
I made the “I bought time from this consultant to help you at my own expense” deal. I made each give me one dollar, as I don’t like to fib if I don’t have to.
I am changing all my stationery, business cards, etc. to call myself “Senior Marketing Consultant” It is amazing how true to form some things run.
I have been using much of the knowledge I picked up from your interviews in dealing with the identical situations your guests’ experience. I partition my brain and go on autopilot saying what I heard in the interviews and watching the client respond as they were supposed to! The other part is laughing while this goes on. Anyway, I am having fun for the first time in a long while.
I expect to earn more money this year as a result of your program than I have in 4 or 5 years.
That may not sound like much to speak of but my income has been only a shadow of what it once was before things began to change. I am confident now that I can be back to my former self if I choose to be. Keep those interviews coming, they are great. I have only scratched the surface of the materials so far, but my confidence more than compensates. I will be the poster child for “It is never too late to shift gears” and it will all because of you. I thank you
Sincerely, Richard.
Questions or problems, 24 Hour help when you need it. Don’t hesitate to text or call 858-692-9461 or contact us.