HMA University – Emergency Fast Cash Generators

03 – Make Money Cutting Grass

Is there such a thing as a Perfect Business? Well, a gentleman named Kevin believes there is and, in this conversation, he will tell you what it is and why it is the Perfect Business. He also gives plenty of tips and resources to start up your Perfect Business at a low cost and get high profits.

So, what is this perfect business? According to Kevin, the Perfect Business is starting your own small lawn care business. All you need to start is a lawn mower and a weed eater. You don’t even need to buy an expensive blower at first – simply use a broom to sweep things up!

If you don’t have the money for a mower, borrow one from a neighbor, a friend, or Home Depot. Get some customers, make you money for the day and then go out and buy a used mower. Kevin advises that you should always use your own equipment as opposed to the equipment owned by your customers and he tells us why.

What you charge for your services depends on the size of the yard. You can compete with the big professional lawn care businesses – there’s plenty of business for everyone. Besides, a lot of people like to deal with small businesses in their communities.

Kevin explains how to get your first accounts simply by going around knocking on doors and introducing yourself and your service. He advises to work a certain neighborhood for business in order to reduce your driving time.

What you are ultimately looking for are regular, long-term accounts. However, don’t discount people who maintain their own yard but will need you when they go on vacation.

According to Kevin, pricing your services comes from experience. You need to take into account what equipment you are using and the size of the yard. For just the basics of mowing and edging a lawn, Kevin advises that the cost should be about $30-$40 per hour – about a dollar per minute of work.

With any account, try to collect your fee when you complete the job. Kevin has encountered some late payers, but he says to keep after them. You may suggest that they leave a check for you at the back door.

You can estimate how much money you’re going to make depending on the geographic area and how many times per month you’ll be doing the lawn. So, if you want to raise your salary, you can calculate almost exactly how many new customers you need to obtain to get the salary you want.

Kevin discusses some of the best upsells that you can offer to your clients, how to pitch the client, how often to do the job, how to do the job, and what to charge for the service:

  • Gutter Cleaning

  • Mulching

  • Hedge Trimming

  • Leaf Removal

  • Soil Airation

This is truly a great business where you can get a quick start with low amount of cash.

Kevin has put together an outstanding information product about everything you need to do to start, maintain, and grow your lawn care business.

He has hours of audio interviews and recordings on such topics as:

  • More up-sells and services to offer your clients

  • How to price your services more effectively

  • How to obtain referrals

  • How to get immediate income

  • How to do effective Joint Venture deal making

  • How to market your services

  • Referral marketing

  • Money management

  • Web sites

  • Professional publications and associations

  • Professional lawn care equipment manufacturers

At the end of this audio interview with Kevin, you’ll learn about a web link that will teach you more about Kevin’s ultimate lawn care system and its pricing.

The Perfect Business may be waiting for you so go and learn more about how to get started!


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