HMA University – Founding Fathers of Client Generation
17 – Advice In “Kick Starting” Your Copywriting Business Update
Welcome to an update with Mark, a copywriter that I previously did a consultation with to advise him about some of the best ways to kick start his new copywriting business.
You will hear how Mark had, indeed, implemented some of the strategies that I had recommended – specifically about how to obtain clients using Ebay. Here’s what Mark did:
He researched Ebay for completed listings by category where the item did not sell. The categories that he has investigated thus far include cars, boats, real estate, trading cards, and some other big ticket items.
He developed a sales letter that he sent to these Ebay sellers. A copy of Mark’s sales letter is included in the transcription below.
He sent out between twenty and thirty of these sales letters to the unsuccessful Ebay sellers and received a 10% response (not bad for a start!).
He believes that he may be able to strike a deal to re-write one of his respondent’s Ebay ads with his copywriting skills.
The great part about Mark’s new venture is that it took him less than an hour to send out all of his sales letters! He admits that this type of sales approach is much easier than approaching businesses cold.
He also admits that Ebay has so many auctions that he could never even scratch the surface of all of the closed, unsuccessful auctions that he could approach (Hint: Some copywriting competition wouldn’t hurt Mark!).
In our conversation, Mark says that he needs to develop more of a solid system to research and follow through with potential clients. You will hear me suggest that he look into implementing the HMA System’s Opportunity Analysis into his sales letter and follow through phases.
I send him links to specific interviews and consultations on my web site dealing with Opportunity Analyses. If used, the Opportunity Analysis would provide a proven methodology to help his potential clients to grow their businesses or sell their big ticket items.
It might also open opportunities for Mark to do more marketing for his clients – not just copywriting – because it would entrench Mark in his potential clients’ businesses.
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