HMA University – Testimonials
Got my first client in only five days
—–Original Message—–
From: Todd
To: Michael Senoff
I just wanted to let you know that I purchased your HMA Marketing program on 9/16/10 and signed my first consulting deal on 9/21/10!
I actually hadn’t even gone through half of the training, when I went shopping with my family one day and went into a furniture boutique store that we had been to a couple of times before. I had previously met the owner, and when I saw her this time I asked how things were going with her business. She told me she had been in business 17 years already and that this year was going to be her worst.
I mentioned to her that I was actually a business marketing consultant and might be able to assist her. We met two days later on Monday, by then I had only completed a quarter of all the training videos, and really didn’t know what I was doing yet…so I just followed what the videos had shown me so far with the opportunity analysis.
To my disbelief, she asked me how much my fee was and stated that she was down to the last of her savings trying to keep her store open. I didn’t know what to charge her yet because it hadn’t been covered in the training at that point.
I told her I would be willing to really help her and that my normal fee was $2500 per pillar, hoping that the number would scare her a bit, but that I would do it for $500 down and a percentage of gross profits. Not knowing if that was fair or if she could really afford it, I told her I would only take 15% of her sales for the next 12 profitable months.
The great part of all this is that she had no USP, has over 12,000 customer names and address, about 1000 email addresses, and has never done any marketing to them ever.
She also estimated that they had a closing ratio of 10% of client prospects coming into the business; and lastly that she had an average sale of only $67.00.
I looked at it this way: I would have been glad to do this first one for nothing just for the learning experience. But I anticipate that over the next year, I should be able to generate around $15-20,000 in total fees from my first client. And that is only covering the Big Four projects…who knows big this may end up to be.
I just wanted to thank you for your HMA program and the huge amount of free outstanding training information that you also provide on your website. Your training really makes it were anyone has the ability to make a great little business for themselves and really more importantly, help the small business owners in our country get stronger and more prosperous. By the way, I already have my second prospect lined up and we meet next week.
Best Regards, Todd.
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