HMA University – Testimonials
I can say, in all honesty, that you would learn more about marketing listening to all the audios on your site than doing a 3-year degree.
—–Original Message—–
From: Charles
To: Michael Senoff
Hi Michael,
I’m going great, taking my time to digest all the HMA material.
My expertise is in copywriting and website makeovers.
So what I’m thinking is that in the short term I’m going to combine the USP/Implementation step into my website makeover package.
Long term I want to become more of a marketing consultant and less of a copywriter and deliver the Core 4.
Michael, I’ve been meaning to write you for a while now to thank you for being such an inspiration to me.
I remember hearing on the first audio of yours that I ever listened to about how when your child was sick you decided to create a business so you could be close to him.
Hearing that really gave me encouragement to continue with my copywriting business.
And now that I have a son of my own, I’m even more determined to become a successful marketing consultant.
So thanks! And I really appreciate you generously sharing so much valuable information for free.
I have a marketing degree from one of Australia’s best business schools. When I was studying tertiary education was free. But now you would have to pay around $60,000 to get that degree.
I can say, in all honesty, that you would learn more about marketing listening to all the audios on your site than doing a 3-year degree.
So thanks again.
I hope you’re well and happy
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