HMA University – Testimonials
I Can’t Wait To Get Through This Transition of Working Full Time
—–Original Message—–
From: Clay
To: Michael Senoff
Slow, but sure. I can’t wait to get through this transition of working full-time at my current position to where I can devote more time to the marketing consulting business.
I’ve mentioned a farm chemical sales company that I was hoping to work with. They do well over $20,000,000 in sales each year. I just made an appointment with the owner to go through the Opportunity Analysis. His business is growing fast because he is a low-price leader in his industry and he is creative. He believes that his USP is his ability to deliver products at the lowest prices.
They just sent out a mailing of 3,000, and have gotten back an overwhelming response. So, being my first real case, I’m a little nervous about how to charge for the various projects, and where I might be the most helpful to him.
I also approached a computer sales and service business that has 3 stores. They are in the process of researching a web project I arranged for them in exchange for marketing services. The deal I worked out was that if my employer would purchase the HMA course for me at $2,500, I would pay for my employer’s web project which was going to cost them $3,500. It would save my employer $1,000, and I would be a more educated employee for them. I would then trade marketing services for the web project so my out-of-pocket expense for the HMA course would be $0.
Thanks for asking, Clay.
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