HMA University – Testimonials
I just signed my first consulting client on Tuesday !!!
—–Original Message—–
From: Eric
To: Michael Senoff
You’re the man! Thanks for being a friend.
BY THE WAY — I just signed my first consulting client on Tuesday!!! It’s a small air filter business with approximately $200,000 in revenues.
I signed him up for a USP project – $995! Four weekly payments of $250 – The first $250 check is already in my wallet.
You can interview me anytime!
Regards, Eric.
Questions or problems, 24 Hour help when you need it. Don’t hesitate to text or call 858-692-9461 or contact us.
1st client: An Air Filter Exchange
—–Original Message—–
From: Eric
To: Michael Senoff
Here is some information regarding my first two HMA clients!
1st client: An Air Filter Exchange
BEFORE: Business sells air filters for commercial HVAC units, and offers replacement of filters, as well as preventive maintenance, gives a detailed report on HVAC system efficiency, and replaces fan belts.
Business was 100% commercial accounts.
Reps would cold call on businesses to determine need. There was no real follow-up in place.
There was no program in place to “lock in” customer loyalty, or to up-sell as needs change.
NOW: I instituted a direct mail program based on businesses with maximum number of HVAC units.
I got a newsletter started for them to keep all current customers and key prospects aware of all that they offer, as well as to build the feeling of community (belonging) with them.
I created an endorsed mailing program set up between them and a residential carpet cleaner to turn the carpet cleaner’s homeowners (with HVAC) into clients of the air filter exchange.
This opened up an additional potential base of over 3,000 customers to the air filter exchange and gives them a solid foothold in the residential marketplace – a highly profitable market.
I raised the air filter exchange’s prices by over 30%, thereby increasing profitably by over 100%!
2nd client: A Residential Carpet Cleaning Company – Residential carpet and surface cleaning
BEFORE: Their follow-up was unfocused, their 800# was used incorrectly, there stress on an aging parent to manage phones and orders, and the burden of large payments to franchise and banks, 90% residential.
NOW: I instituted a direct mail program based on neighbors around current customers. This postcard campaign offered a complimentary, high perceived value service that costs them very little in hard costs.
Instead of selling surface cleaning or carpet cleaning, I changed focus solely to selling the appointment. We decided that a co-owner (the husband) would just use his car to administer the complimentary service due to his personality and the current ratio of conversion to paid service at over 58%.
This cut the costs of driving a carpet cleaning rig (each rig’s approximate value is $100,000!) to every prospect, and now focuses those resources solely on paid customers.
I revamped the carpet cleaning company’s newsletter to keep all current customers and key prospects aware of all that they offer, as well as to build the feeling of community (belonging) with them.
I created an endorsed mailing program set up between the carpet cleaning company and the air filter exchange. This opened up an additional potential base of over 1,100 commercial customers to the air filter exchange, and gives them a solid foothold in the commercial marketplace – a highly profitable market for them.
Both of my clients will be re-upping with me for other projects.
Michael, I will have my 3rd client by Thursday, and my 4th closed within 3 weeks. Meanwhile, I am pursuing the group training aspect of HMA through state resources like the New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP).
I’ll be keeping you posted! And I will be buying three replacement training module booklets from you soon.
Regards, Eric.
Questions or problems, 24 Hour help when you need it. Don’t hesitate to text or call 858-692-9461 or contact us.