HMA University – Testimonials
The HMA course is really working for me
—–Original Message—–
From: Michael
To: Michael Senoff
Hi Michael,
The HMA course is really working for me. I purchased it from you back in July, and I’ve combined it with my internet marketing consulting (a business that runs much like David Preston’s, except my wife, Susan does much of the web design – we do outsource occasionally).
When I purchased the course, I started sending out about 10 letters a day to local business owners, just like Richard’s sample letters. Then I’d call about three days later while the letter was still fresh on their minds. From those letters and calls, I scheduled meetings with about 20%. And of those 20% of business owners I met with, I’ve ended up doing either marketing consulting using the HMA system, or internet marketing for them, and in some cases, a combination of the two.
It’s been a roller coaster ride, and a big lesson I’ve learned is that in nearly all cases, the business owners didn’t make a decision to do business with me right away. In fact, I obtained most of my clients within the past 6-8 weeks, and I met with them initially in August.
I just wanted to share this with you and update you.
Thanks, Michael.
Questions or problems, 24 Hour help when you need it. Don’t hesitate to text or call 858-692-9461 or contact us.
I love the information in this system
—–Original Message—–
From: Michael
To: Michael Senoff
I love the information in this system. I’ve used some of the techniques, have listened to in the audios and I was already able to close on a client for $350 during a 30 minute meeting.
The owner I met with stated that it was one of the most informative marketing meetings he has ever attended. In retrospect I probably gave him too many free ideas but I saw it as a good learning appointment to test my presentation skills.
Questions or problems, 24 Hour help when you need it. Don’t hesitate to text or call 858-692-9461 or contact us.