HMA University – Testimonials
I signed my first client today and am 90% sure I’ll sign my second over the next few days
—–Original Message—–
From: Cheree
To: Michael Senoff
I signed my first client today and am 90% sure I’ll sign my second over the next few days.
Based on our email discussions, I’d love to chat with you about my experiences from a woman’s point of view and have you share it with the community. I am super impressed with the HMA system and believe it’s the ticket to making my life so much easier.
My mom and I have owned a bookkeeping business for close to 5 years. We began by networking in BNI and the local Chamber and until this day have never advertised our services. Currently, we have over 40 clients (this is considered a larger bookkeeping company as most bookkeepers only have a handful of clients) and a huge network of contacts which we’ve grown over these 5 years.
My first client is one of our current bookkeeping clients. I’ve known the owner for 2 years and we’ve always shared a love of Dan Kennedy and his teaching principles. I’ve been servicing his account for the past 6 months. He seemed very intrigued by my new venture into marketing and business development and began asking me a lot of questions.
Because of my “head noise” I thought he would never hire me so I didn’t ask him to let me do an Opportunity Analysis for 2 weeks (even though I knew he needed my help). Finally, one day I decided to be brave. We were sitting in my office talking about some bookkeeping stuff and I asked him if he would like discuss his business’ marketing and how I could help him. He said he wanted to ask me but wasn’t sure if I’d accept him as a client and was so happy I asked. The main lesson I learned that day is to ask for the Opportunity Analysis appointment no matter what.
Anyway, we discussed his business, the programs he’s running now, the fact that he’s not tracking very well, etc, etc and he asked me for a proposal. When I gave him a proposal, he added additional things that he wanted me to help with including writing a business plan for the business with 1 year and 5 year budget projections. The other great thing I learned from the HMA training is that it’s okay to add projects and make our contracts flexible.
My second client is a printer and another BNI referral partner. She approached me because her company is having marginal performance in a very competitive industry and she thought I could help her. I sat with she and her husband and did an Opportunity Analysis. They have no USP and obviously no integration. They have a database that’s under utilized. They do a lot of community work but don’t capitalize on it. They have some “larger” clients but want to grow and acquire additional “larger” clients.
Once again, the client has asked me to do something extra that’s not part of the HMA system. They want me to review their financials, see where they can “trim the fat”, and work with them on a monthly basis to understand their business through their financial statements.
Due to this client’s cash flow concerns, I have agreed to barter with them and will receive $1500 worth of credits for their print shop that will be 100% transferable to a 3rd party. My contract with them will be 6 months; therefore, I will receive $9000 in printing services.
I have learned a few lessons in the 2 weeks I’ve done this business:
* When you’re speaking with a great prospect, always ask for the Opportunity Analysis appointment. I’ve asked 6 times and have only been turned down once. People are hungry for what we have.
* Everyone has something going for them…some sort of marketing leverage. I thought about making cold calls but decided to use my network and am receiving referrals and qualified appointments.
* People really respond to the fact that I will execute their programs and not just write a report for them. I have that written on the back of my business card and business owners continuously point out the fact that I am “The Implementer.”
* Even though the business owner will want all of the fancy marketing tasks done, I am able to hold firm that I will do nothing before I do the first USP step. I hold firm with that because after Richard’s training, I see the importance of it.
* Just like we ask our clients if they have a database, I am beginning to start my database. I have decided to hire a marketing assistant/ virtual admin firm to maintain my database. They will be starting next week after I receive my first check. All the things I’m teaching my clients to do, I will implement in my business.
* Every week, I will have at least one Opportunity Analysis appointment with a qualified prospect. It’s important to keep your sales skills sharp.
* It’s important to know what you won’t do in advance. I’ve had people ask me if I would be a life coach, time management coach, or work for them full time in their business. The answer to all of those were no. I will only do work that makes me happy and that I can do easily. And I’ve discovered I can be rewarded very well for it.
P.S. – We help small businesses increase sales by 25% – 100% in 60 to 90 days without spending any additional money on advertising …GUARANTEED. We are not consultants, but IMPLEMENTERS. We roll up our sleeves and do the work to grow your business.
Only 2-3 clients served at one time. Thriving businesses and turnarounds welcome.
Thanks, Cheree.
Questions or problems, 24 Hour help when you need it. Don’t hesitate to text or call 858-692-9461 or contact us.