HMA University – Testimonials
Landing this client was before I purchase the HMA system
—–Original Message—–
From: Matt
To: Michael Senoff
Hi Michael,
I just want to say thank you for the help this morning with the USP. You were very helpful.
You had asked for how I got my first HMA Client so here it is.
Every Thursday through the chamber we have greeters. This is networking event that any chamber member can attend. It is usually the same set of people. Everyone gets 30 seconds to stand up and introduce themselves and their business. After one of these meetings a new chamber member approached me about helping them with their marketing. We met the same day for lunch. I asked lots of questions as I did not bring a Opportunity Analysis with me. I did call him the next day to fill in what I missed with the OA.
My 30 seconds is always based around the USP Richard has given us. I always get people asking me for a card or handing me theirs at these events. The biggest problem with these events is that they are not my ideal customers. Typically the people attending are very small businesses. But I am meeting great people which is opening up other doors to meet the right prospects.
Anyway, within a week I gave my presentation to them. This is an IT company that was growing and moving into other markets. They loved it. Several months had gone by and I kept following up with them. They really wanted to do something but were not pulling the trigger. So I finally sent them an email explaining that instead of paying the entire fee up front that we could start off with a smaller project and then move on from there.
They loved the idea of the smaller project and I met with them the following week to do the focus group with the employees for the USP. The reason they had not moved forward was lack of funds. My original quote was $18,000. When I emailed them to start off with the USP my fee was $1250.
Landing this client was before I purchase the HMA system. If I had the system I would have been moving forward with this project months ago. Selling smaller steps at prices that are not as hard to choke down as $18,000 made the difference in me actually getting a check and starting this project.
I have approached several organizations to offer a free seminar. I have a very professional seminar proposal of what will be covered. There were no takers.
The chamber likes the idea but they are not putting any effort into getting it in front of the board for approval. Other organizations are either booked with speakers or have no interest.
I have asked for referrals from friends and family.
I have done a couple of freebies but this was prior to owning your HMA system. Things were done haphazardly at best.
I just set up a deal with a local internet directory that as one of the bonuses of buying a listing is that they get a free 1 hour consultation with me.
I did a trade show through the Chamber that was not that great. It was not marketed very well.
I’ve been going to trade shows and talking to the people at the booths has been very fruitful.
I have gone to a few networking groups but again these are not my ideal prospects.
Starting next week I will be going door to door in business parks, The interview you did with Cory gave me this idea. I figured if he could get booked in 2 days then so could I.
I will also be hiring a friend of mine that does telemarketing to set appointments as well.
Thanks again for you help, Matt.
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