HMA University – Testimonials
He paid $1750 for the USP
—–Original Message—–
From: Stan
To: Michael Senoff
I’d like to briefly share the story of how my business partner and I have used the HMA System to get our first client while still having “regular” jobs. We are both involved in the construction industry with work not related to marketing.
While attending a trade show my partner got into a conversation with a vendor who was thoroughly frustrated with his then current marketing firm who seemed to only want his money and didn’t seem to care about the quality service they gave him. Upon briefly explaining that we are just starting out as a new marketing service this vendor expressed immediate interest.
He didn’t care that we were a start-up. Later my partner met with him for further discussion and, after I drew up a simple agreement based upon a sample from the forms/contracts e-book included in the HMA package, we had a deal.!
He closed on the first four pillars and we are in discussion about the internet marketing pillar – which he definitely wants. He paid $1750 for the USP which we’ve done and are moving ahead with integration of the USP.
Currently we are following the system further for growing our consulting business by working on an alliance to get prospects by offering the free educational marketing seminars.
Questions or problems, 24 Hour help when you need it. Don’t hesitate to text or call 858-692-9461 or contact us.
We got our first signed contract for the first step of the HMA system
—–Original Message—–
From: Stan
To: Michael Senoff
Hello Michael,
I hope you’re doing well. I told you I looked forward to the day of writing to inform you about having gotten our first HMA system contract. Well, I praise Jesus that today is that day!
My business partner just called a little while ago and informed me he is in possession of our first signed contract for the first step of the system. Our client knows we are just starting out and doesn’t care because he is tired of paying about $20,000 a year for marketing services, which includes Web services, that is he unable to accurately measure results for.
He agreed to the USP step for $1750. We’re also in negotiation for carrying out a postcard mailing for a second client. Thank you for playing a part in getting us to this point. We invite you to rejoice with us! Now it’s on to making it happen for the client!
Sincerely, Stan.
Questions or problems, 24 Hour help when you need it. Don’t hesitate to text or call 858-692-9461 or contact us.